import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;

/*  This is all original material, with the exception of the double buffering, which 
* I hacked out of a quote-ticker program.  The game is a GREAT example of object-heirarchy.
* I also supported multithreading, but it just made things run slower, actually!  
* For this reason the multithreading was removed...

*	wid: the width of the applet (integer)
*	hei: the height of the applet (integer)

* Feel free to modify or distribute as you wish, as long as you include:

Original programmed by: Ben Sigelman,   |||  FOR HIRE! ALWAYS!

* Appletviewer has its bugs.... netscape _is_ a bug.

public class aster extends java.applet.Applet implements Runnable { //this is the main program, aster(noid)
	ShotHandler shotH; //this is an implementation of my "shothandler" class, which keeps track of all your shots.
	PlayerHandler playH; //this is an implementation of my "playerhandler" class, which keeps track of your players needs... leaves open support for multi-player
	AstHandler astH; //same deal:  handling class for all of the "asteroids" in the game. (the things you shoot, that is)
	Color col;  //i like to define things like this in case their needed... this one is used to change colors
	Image im; //this is used in the double-buffering lines.
	Graphics offscreen; //more double-buffering crap
	int keyp, i1, i2, i3, i4; //keyp was used for debugging.  the rest are just temp. integers
	public static int score; //self-explanatory... its the score accumulated
	int level = 0; //this is the current level
	int levelend = 0; //this is used in the pause at the end of every level
	int levelstart = 0; //this is used in the invulnerability period that starts each level.
	double d1, d2, d3, d4; //temp double things
	int keys[] = new int[3]; //VERY IMPORTANT! this has to do with overriding the default keyboard handling
	AudioClip /*shotsound, */explode; //the explosion sound in the game... shotsound was too obnoxious to include
	URL codeb; //code base URL.  this is the documents url... a kind of base directory
	int width, height; //width and height as specified by the html file
	boolean apprun = false; //primal boolean which says "is this applet running, or not"
	Font bigfont = new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 24); //big font
        Font littlefont = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 12); //smaller font
	Date currtime = new Date(); //used for the time sequencing - better than netscape's built-in
	long now, then, diff; //used for the time crap

	public boolean mouseDown(Event ev, int x, int y) { //if mouse is pressed
                int li1; //temp integer
		boolean b1 = apprun; //temp boolean for storage of apprun
		if (b1==true) {stop();} //stops execution of program if apprun is true
		if (b1==false) {start();} //starts execution of program if apprun is false
		if ( { //if the player is "no more"
			level = 1; //change level to 1
			score = 0; //obvious...
			keys[0] = -1; //unpresses key #1
			keys[1] = -1; //unpresses key #2
			keys[2] = -1; //unpresses key #3 = true; //he's alive!
			playH.players.angdriftx = 0; //not moving
			playH.players.angdrifty = 0; //not moving = 100; //full shield
			levelstart = 0; //restart invulnerability counter
                        for (li1=0; li1<40; li1++) { //cycle asteroids
                                astH.asts[li1].state = -1; //get rid of asteroids
			astH.AstCreate(level, width, height); //makes the first few asteroids...
		return true; //required by java
	public boolean keyDown(Event ev, int key) { //keyDown event automatically calls this function.
		int li1; //temp integer
		if (key == 32) { //space bar: shoot
			if (shotH.shotdown == 1) {shotH.shotdown = 2;} //these lines dont allow you to hold down
			if (( == 0)) {shotH.shotdown = 1;} //if player is alive, space to shoot.  no shots fired at "2" or "0"
		keyp = key; //for debugging of key codes only... deleteable
		for (li1 = 0; li1 < 3; li1++) { //cycles through all three key variables
			if ((keys[li1] == -1)&&((keys[2] != key)&&(keys[0] != key)&&(keys[1] != key))) {keys[li1] = key;} //assigns the key to any free spaces... no duplicate key refs. "-1" = free
		return true; //required by java
	public boolean keyUp(Event ev, int key) { //keyUp event automatically calls this function
		int li1; //temp integer
		for (li1 = 0; li1 < 3; li1++) { //cycle through keys
			if (keys[li1] == key) {keys[li1] = -1;} //"unpresses" the key from the games perspective
		if (key == 122) {playH.players.shield = false;} //turns off the shield immediatly after key is released
		shotH.shotdown = 0; //lets shots be fired on next keydown
		return true; //required by java
	public void checkKeys(int key) { //checks for the given key (in the array)
		playH.keyDown(key); //tells the playerhandler that the key has been pressed.
		shotH.keyDown(key, playH.players.ang, playH.players.xco, playH.players.yco); //tells the shothandler the given key has been pressed
	public void init() {
		level = 1; //change level to 1
		score = 0; //obvious...
		keys[0] = -1; //unpresses key #1
		keys[1] = -1; //unpresses key #2
		keys[2] = -1; //unpresses key #3
		width = 640; //default width
		height = 480; //default height
		width = Integer.valueOf(getParameter("wid")).intValue(); //gets the width of the applet
		height = Integer.valueOf(getParameter("hei")).intValue(); //gets the height of the applet
		shotH = new ShotHandler(); //starts up shotH
		playH = new PlayerHandler(width, height); //starts up playerH = true;
		astH = new AstHandler(); //starts up astH
		astH.AstCreate(level, width, height); //makes the first few asteroids... #asteroids relates to #level
/*these next lines regard double buffer initialization.*/
		try {
			im = createImage(width,height); //applet size is width*height
			offscreen = im.getGraphics();
		catch (Exception e) {
			offscreen = null;
/*end of double buffering*/
		codeb = getCodeBase(); //gets the code base, described in variable definition of "codeb"
		explode = getAudioClip(codeb, ""); //gets the explosion audio clip in the applet's base directory
		(new Thread(this)).start(); //initializes main thread
		Thread.currentThread().setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); //its necessary... try changing it sometime!
		now = currtime.getTime(); //get the time
		then = currtime.getTime(); //get the time
	public void start() {
		apprun = true;
	public void stop() {
		apprun = false;
	public void run() {
		apprun = false; //applet must start paused!
		while (true) { //always runs until stopped
//			currtime = new Date(); //set the current time//
//			now = currtime.getTime(); //get the current time (in milliseconds)//
//			diff = now-then; //difference in time since last update//
			if ((apprun)/*&&(diff>50)*/) { //if app is active and enough time has gone by//
//				then = now; //restart clock//
				levelstart++; //50 ticks of invulnerability to begin each level
				if (levelstart>75) {levelstart = 51;} //doesn't let the number get out of hand.
				checkKeys(keys[0]); //checks key#1
				checkKeys(keys[1]); //checks key#2
				checkKeys(keys[2]); //checks key#3
				try {
					astH.move(); //tells astH to move all its asteroids
					i2 = astH.check(shotH, level, score, explode, width, height); //tells it to check its asteroids... needs all shot locations, the level of difficulty, needs soundfx, RETURNS score or a "level-over indicator"
					shotH.move(); //tells shotH to move all the shots
					shotH.check(width, height); //tells shotH to check the shots' movement
					playH.move(); //moves player(s)
					playH.check(astH, levelstart, width, height); //checks the player... need invulnerability info, and location of all asteroids.
					} catch(NullPointerException e) {}
				repaint(); //repaints the screen
				if (i2 == -1) {levelend++;} //i2 is -1 when all asteroids are destroyed - it will increase levelend ticker
				if (i2 != -1) {score = i2;} //i2 is usually the score (returned by astH.check).  updates the score
				if (levelend > 50) {nextlevel();} //if enough ticks have gone by, next level is initialized
				try {Thread.currentThread().sleep(40);} catch (InterruptedException e){} //adds some time to keep the speed normal//
//			try {Thread.currentThread().sleep(15);} catch (InterruptedException e){} //adds some time to keep the speed normal//
	public void nextlevel() {
		score = score + (100*level); //"finish level" bonus
		levelend = 0; //resets levelend ticker = + (level/2)*10; //gives a shield bonus for the player
		if (>100) { = 100;} //caps shield at 100
		level++; //next level (finally)
		keys[0] = -1; //resets key#1
		keys[1] = -1; //resets key#2
		keys[2] = -1; //resets key#3
		astH = new AstHandler(); //makes a new set of asts
		astH.AstCreate(level, width, height); //creates more asteroids in relation to the level
		levelstart = 0; //allows 50 more ticks of invulnerability at start of next level
	public void update(Graphics g) {
		paint(g); //overrides update
	public void paint(Graphics g) {
		if (offscreen!=null) { //more double-buffering crap
			paintApplet(offscreen); //the REAL paint method
			g.drawImage(im, 0, 0, this);
		else {
			paintApplet(g); //the REAL paint method
	public void paintApplet(Graphics g) {
		g.setFont(littlefont); //sets normal font
		g.setColor(; //prepares screen wash
		g.fillRect(0,0,width,height); //makes big, black rectangle washover
		playH.paint(g, width, height); //paints the player
		astH.paint(g); //paints the asteroids
		try {shotH.paint(g);} catch(NullPointerException e) {} //shotH.paint likes to crash applet, for some reason
		g.setColor(col.white); //you know this, hopefully
//		g.fillRect(0,70,(int)diff,10);
//		g.drawString("difference:  " + diff, 0, 90);
		this.showStatus("level: " + level); //puts the level number in the status bar
		g.drawString("SCORE:  " + score, 0, 30); //shows the current score
		if ( { //if player is dead...
			g.setFont(bigfont); //make a big, bold font
			g.drawString("Click to restart game", (int)(width/3), (int)(height/3)); //display restart instructions

class ShotHandler extends java.lang.Object/* implements Runnable*/ { //handles basic instructions and breaks them down to a shot-by-shot level
	Shot shots[] = new Shot[17]; //makes all 17 shots (program only uses 16: 17 is to prevent buggy array access exceptions)
	Color col1; //temp color variable
	int shotdown = 0; //is there a shot being fired? 1 is true
	private int li1, li2; //temp integers
	public ShotHandler() { //constructor when a new instance is called for
		for (li1 = 0; li1 < 16; li1++) { //cycles through the shots
			shots[li1] = new Shot(); //new instance of shot for each segment of array
	public void keyDown(int key, double ang, double xcor, double ycor) { //handles what is passed in from the main applet's keydown event
		int freeshot = -1; //initializes as nonexistent
		if (key == 32) { //if the key is space bar,
			for(li1=0; li1<16; li1++) { //cycle shots
				if (shots[li1].active==false) {freeshot = li1;} //if shot isn't being used, make temp = shot #
			if ((shotdown == 1)&&(freeshot != -1)) { //if this is the FIRST pressing of space (not held) and freeshot "found a home" then:
				shots[freeshot].shoot(16, ang, xcor, ycor); //makes a shot of velocity 16, the players current angle, player's xcord, and player's ycord
			shotdown = 2; //space has been held down
	public void check(int wid, int hei) {
		for (li1 = 0; li1 < 16; li1++) { //cycle shots
			if (shots[li1].active) { //if shot exists
				shots[li1].check(wid, hei); //call shot's individual check method
				if (shots[li1].cycles>16) { //if shot has been alive for 16 cycles
					shots[li1].stop(); //kill the friggin' thing
	public void move() { //obvious...
		for (li1 = 0; li1 < 16; li1++) { //cycle shots
			if (shots[li1].active) { //if alive
				shots[li1].move(); //call upon individual move method
	public void paint(Graphics g) { //the shotH paint method.
		li1 = 0; //init temp var... this solves a NullPointerException often encountered... not TOTALLY sure why
		for (li1 = 0; li1 < 16; li1++) { //cycle shots (again :-[)
			if (shots[li1].active) { //if alive
				shots[li1].paint(g); //call individual paint method
class Shot extends java.lang.Object { //an individual shot method, owned by ShotH's "shots" array
	boolean active = false; //default: shot is non-existent
	Color col1; //temp color variable
	int cycles, rot;  //sequence of color
	double pxc, pyc, xco, yco; //prev xcord, prev ycord, curr xcord, curr ycord
	double ang, vel; //shot angle direction (in radians), velocity in units moved per program tick
	public Shot() { //the constructor
		active = false; //yeah, its redundant
	public void shoot(double veloc, double angle, double xcor, double ycor) { //make an active shot with the given attributes
		xco = xcor; //transfer x coordinate
		yco = ycor; //transfer y coordinate
		vel = veloc; //transfer velocity
		ang = angle; //transfer angle
		active = true; //make shot active, or visible.
		cycles = 0; //after 16 cycles, the shot is destroyed.
		rot = 0; //color rotation variable
		pxc = xco; //initializes the previous xcord variable
		pyc = yco; //initializes the previous ycord variable
	public void stop() { //kills the shot
		active = false; //take a guess...
	public void paint(Graphics g) { //this is the shots paint method... draws a line from its last position to its current position, basically
		rot++; //advances color rotation
		if (rot == 16) {rot = 0;} //keeps rotation below 17
		col1 = new Color(255-(rot*8),0,127+rot*8); //makes the new color
		g.setColor(col1); //sets the current color to the rotation color
		g.drawLine((int)xco, (int)yco, (int)(xco-(xco-pxc)), (int)(yco-(yco-pyc))); //draws a line from the current coords to the previous coords
	public void move() { //moves the shot
		cycles++; //advances the shot's "age" in cycles
		pxc = xco; //makes a new prev. xcord
		pyc = yco; //makes a new prev. ycord
		xco = pxc + (Math.cos(ang)*vel); //defines the new xcord as a trig function utilizing angle and velocity (hypothenuse)
		yco = pyc + (Math.sin(ang)*vel); //defines the new ycord as a trig function utilizing angle and velocity (hypothenuse)
	public void check(int wi, int he) { //checks the shot's coords
		if (xco>wi + 10) { //if xcord is more than 10 off the right side
			xco = xco - (wi+20); //move to the left side of screen
			pxc = xco; //disable the possibility of drawing a line across the screen
		if (yco>he + 10) { //if ycord is more than 10 below the bottom
			yco = yco - (he+20); //move to the top of screen
			pyc = yco; //disable the possibility of drawing a line across the screen
		if (xco<-10) { //if xcord is more than 10 off the left side
			xco = xco + wi+20; //move to the right side of screen
			pxc = xco; //disable the possibility of drawing a line across the screen
		if (yco<-10) { //if ycord is more than 10 off the top
			yco = yco + he+20; //move to the bottom of screen
			pyc = yco; //disable the possibility of drawing a line across the screen

class Player extends java.lang.Object { //a player object
	private int li1, li2; //some temp ints
	boolean active = true; //is player alive?
	boolean shield = false; //is shield on?
	int rot; //color rotation
	Color col2; //temp color variable
	double pxc, pyc, xco, yco; //prev xcord, prev ycord, curr xcord, curr ycord
	double ang, angdriftx, angdrifty, vel; //player angle direction, actual movement direction (x), actual movement direction (y), speed
	public Player() { //the default constructor
		active = true; //redundant? yes...
	public void start(int wi, int he) { //the REAL constructor
		xco = (Math.random()*wi); //chooses a random x value
		yco = (Math.random()*he); //chooses a random y value
		pxc = xco; //inits the prev xcord
		pyc = yco; //inits the prev ycord
		vel = 0; //sets velocity to 0
		ang = .01; //makes angle a little past default: this eliminates trigonometry errors computing the angle (ie tan(0))
		angdriftx = 0; //no movement
		angdrifty = 0; //no movement
		rot = (int) (Math.random()*15); //gets a random value for the color rotation
	public void thrust(double amount) { //if the letter "k" is pressed, the ship must make movement adjustments
		double lld1, lld2, lld3, lld4; //temp doubles
		lld1 = angdriftx; //assigned to the x angle-drift
		lld2 = angdrifty; //assigned to the y angle-drift
		lld3 = (Math.cos(ang)*amount); //assigned to the amount of x-change there must be
		lld4 = (Math.sin(ang)*amount); //assigned to the amount of y-change there must be
		angdriftx = (lld1+lld3); //just what you'd expect next
		angdrifty = (lld2+lld4); //same thing...
		vel = Math.pow((angdriftx*angdriftx+angdrifty*angdrifty), .5); //distance formula modification.  pow(x, .5) takes the square root of x
		if (angdriftx>8) { //if fast x movement
			angdrifty = 8*(angdrifty/angdriftx); //keeps things in proportion
			angdriftx = 8; //speed limiter
		if (angdrifty>8) { //if fast y movement
			angdriftx = 8*(angdriftx/angdrifty); //keeps things in proportion
			angdrifty = 8; //speed limiter
		if (angdriftx<-8) { //if fast x movement
			angdrifty = -8*(angdrifty/angdriftx); //keeps things in proportion
			angdriftx = -8; //speed limiter
		if (angdrifty<-8) { //if fast y movement
			angdriftx = -8*(angdriftx/angdrifty); //keeps things in proportion
			angdrifty = -8; //speed limiter
	public void rotate(double degree) { //change angle of ship
		ang = ang + degree; //simple math
	public boolean alive() { //function to check if player is alive
		return active; //returns the active variable
	public void paint(Graphics g) { //paints the player to the screen
		if (shield) { //if shield is on
			col2 = new Color(0, 64+rot*4, 0); //define a color based on the color rotater
			g.setColor(col2); //set the new color
			g.fillOval((int)(xco-12-(rot/2)), (int)(yco-12-(rot/2)), 24+rot, 24+rot); //make a quickly expanding circle
		for (li1 = 0; li1 < 13; li1++) { //draw all thirteen "speed indicator" (?) lines
			rot++; //cycle through another color rotation
			if (rot == 15) {rot = 0;} //put cieling on color rotation
			col2 = new Color(0,255-(rot*16),rot*16); //define new color
			g.setColor(col2); //set new color
			g.drawLine((int) (xco-(Math.cos(ang-Math.PI/8)*li1*vel/2)), (int) (yco-(Math.sin(ang-Math.PI/8)*li1*vel/2)), (int) (xco-(Math.cos(ang+Math.PI/8)*li1*vel/2)), (int) (yco-(Math.sin(ang+Math.PI/8)*li1*vel/2))); //draw a line from a distance&-angle to distance&+angle behind the ship
		col2 = new Color(0, 172, 0); //make another new color
		g.setColor(col2); //set new color
		g.drawLine((int) (xco-(Math.cos(ang)*14)), (int) (yco-(Math.sin(ang)*14)), (int) (xco+(Math.cos(ang)*5)), (int) (yco+(Math.sin(ang)*5))); //make another trig line going behind player
		g.drawLine((int) (xco-(Math.cos(ang-Math.PI/6)*14)), (int) (yco-(Math.sin(ang-Math.PI/6)*14)), (int) xco, (int) yco); //make another trig line going diagonally behind player
		g.drawLine((int) (xco-(Math.cos(ang+Math.PI/6)*14)), (int) (yco-(Math.sin(ang+Math.PI/6)*14)), (int) xco, (int) yco); //make another trig line going diagonally behind player
	public void move() { //moves the player
		pxc = xco; //redefines prev xcord
		pyc = yco; //redefines prev ycord
		xco = pxc + angdriftx; //adds the drift to the current xcord
		yco = pyc + angdrifty; //adds the drift to the current ycord
	public void check(AstHandler ah, int starting, int wi, int he) { //checks for hits, position (using the list of asteroids)
		int li1;
		if (xco>wi + 10) { //if player is off right side of screen
			xco = xco - (wi+20); //put player on left side of screen
		if (yco>he + 10) { //if player is off bottom of screen
			yco = yco - (he+20); //put player on top of screen
		if (xco<-10) { //if player is off left side of screen
			xco = xco + wi+20; //put player on right side of screen
		if (yco<-10) { //if player is off top of screen
			yco = yco + he+20; //put player on bottom of screen
		if ((shield==false)&&(starting > 50)) { //if the shield ain't on...
			for (li1 = 0; li1 < 40; li1++) { //cycle through all possible asteroids
				if ((ah.asts[li1].state==1)&&(Math.abs(ah.asts[li1].xco-xco) 12) {asts[freespot[li1]].create(asts[num].xco, asts[num].yco, Math.random()*2*Math.PI, Math.random()*(lev/2 + 2), asts[num].size/2);} //IF THIS ASTEROID ISN'T TOO SMALL, make the (li1)'th new asteroid
		asts[num].state = 3; //mark this asteroid for certain death
	public void move() { //moves the asteroids
		for (li1 = 0; li1 < 40; li1++) { //cycle through asteroids
			if (asts[li1].state == 1) { //if asteroid is alive...
				asts[li1].move(); //move it.
	public void paint(Graphics g) { //paint the asteroids
		for (li1 = 0; li1 < 40; li1++) { //cycle asteroids
			if (asts[li1].state != -1) { //if asteroid isn't totally dead
				asts[li1].paint(g); //draw the asteroid

class Ast extends java.lang.Object { //a single asteroid object
	int state = -1; //start off as non-existent
	Color col1; //temp color variable
	int dierot, rot;  //the "death color rotation", normal color rotation
	double size, pxc, pyc, xco, yco; //asteroid size, prev xcord, prev ycord, current xcord, current ycord
	double ang, vel; //asteroid angle direction, asteroid velocity
	public Ast() { //asteroid constructor... not much goin' on here, really
		state = -1; //asteroid is dead/non-existent
	public void create(double xcor, double ycor, double angle, double veloc, double siz) { //makes a new asteroid based on paramaters
		xco = xcor; //transfer xcord
		yco = ycor; //transfer ycord
		vel = veloc; //transfer velocity
		ang = angle; //transfer angle
		state = 1; //make the asteroid alive
		size = siz; //transfer size
		rot = 0; //make a new color rotator
		dierot = 0; //make a new death color rotator
		pxc = xco; //define a new prev xcord
		pyc = yco; //define a new prev ycord
	public void kill() { //destroy the asteroid
		dierot++; //move the dierot up one
		if (dierot > 32) { //if its been 32 ticks off dierot,
			state = -1; //finish the job and destroy asteroid for good
	public void paint(Graphics g) { //draws asteroid
		int li1; //temp integer
		if (state == 1) { //if asteroid is in normal state
			rot++; //advance color rotation
			if (rot == 16) {rot = 0;} //restart color rot at 16
			col1 = new Color(64+(Math.abs(rot-8)*6),64+Math.abs(rot-8)*5,255-(64+Math.abs(rot-8)*6)); //define grey-blue asteroid color
			g.setColor(col1); //set the new color
			g.fillOval((int)(xco-(size/2)), (int)(yco-(size/2)), (int)(size), (int)(size)); //draw the asteroid
		if ((state == 2)||(state == 3)) { //if asteroid is splitting or dying
			if (dierot<17) { //first half of death
				col1 = new Color(255, dierot*8, 0); //new color (red->orange->yellow)
				g.setColor(col1); //set the new color
				g.fillOval((int)(xco-dierot/2-4), (int)(yco-dierot/2-4), (int)((dierot+8)), (int)((dierot+8))); //make the explosion circle
			if (dierot>16) { //second half of death
				col1 = new Color(255, (dierot-16)*5+127, 0); //new color (red->orange->yellow)
				g.setColor(col1); //set the new color
				g.fillOval((int)(xco-(32-dierot)/2-4), (int)(yco-(32-dierot)/2-4), (int)((32-dierot)+8), (int)((32-dierot)+8)); //make the explosion circle
	public void move() { //moves the asteroid
		pxc = xco; //new prev xcord
		pyc = yco; //new prev ycord
		xco = pxc + (Math.cos(ang)*vel); //new xcord
		yco = pyc + (Math.sin(ang)*vel); //new ycord
	public void check(ShotHandler sh, int wi, int he) { //check asteroid coordinates, see if its been hit (uses the shot handler)
		int li1, li2; //temp integers
		double sx[] = new double[16]; //array of shot xcords
		double sy[] = new double[16]; //array of shot ycords
		if (xco>wi + 10) { //if asteroid is off the right side of screen
			xco = xco - (wi+20); //put asteroid on left side of screen
			pxc = xco; //define new prev xcord to prevent drawing problems
		if (yco>he + 10) { //if asteroid is off the bottom of screen
			yco = yco - (he+20); //put asteroid on top of screen
			pyc = yco; //define new prev ycord to prevent drawing problems
		if (xco<-10) { //if asteroid is off the left side of screen
			xco = xco + wi+20; //put asteroid on right side of screen
			pxc = xco; //define new prev xcord to prevent drawing problems
		if (yco<-10) { //if asteroid is off the top of screen
			yco = yco + he+20; //put asteroid on bottom of screen
			pyc = yco; //define new prev ycord to prevent drawing problems
		for (li1 = 0; li1 < 16; li1++) { //cycle through shots in the imported shot handler
			sx[li1] = sh.shots[li1].xco; //move the xcord to the local array
			sy[li1] = sh.shots[li1].yco; //move the ycord to the local array
			if (sh.shots[li1].active!=true) {sx[li1] = -127;} //if shot is non-existent, raise red flag w/ the -127 value.  -1 is a possible xcord, so I couldn't use that
		for (li1 = 0; li1 < 16; li1++) { //cycle local "virtual shot array"
			if ((sx[li1] != -127)&&(Math.abs(sx[li1]-xco) THATS ALL, FOLKS!
* once again, is my email address, and you 
* can see this applet (crash netscape) at my home page, 
* "Ben Sigelman's Black Russian Page (JAVA)" -
* Thanx for looking at my applet!