Twin Peaks Face Painter

Hey, now you can combine your favorite Twin Peaks characters by using their faces as brushes. It's kind of fun! By the way, I'll be adding more characters soon and maybe fixing the ones that are out there a little bit, but at least you can play around with it now. It turns out it's a lot harder than I thought finding faces that I can get to line up!

Also, check out the GALLERY to see some wacky faces created with the Twin Peaks Face Painter.

Here's how to use the Twin Peaks Face Painter:
  1. Choose a character brush from the list box. The first time a particular face is loaded, it may take a few seconds so please be patient.
  2. Hold down the left mouse button while slowly rubbing where the facial feature should appear.
  3. If you make a mistake, click on the eraser and rub off unwanted areas, or click Clear to erase the whole image.

The Twin Peaks Characters:

(More characters coming soon!)

Created using the CELEBRITY PAINTER V2.0 Java Applet by Jeff Orkin
Copyright (C) 1996 Demon Systems